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Xuedong Chen 中国工程院院士,中国科学技术协会第十届全国委员会副主席,中国机械工业集团有限公司党委常委、副总经理、总工程师 @firstnamePW Peng Wang Deputy Director of Department of Industrial Policies and Regulations under Ministry of Industry and Information Technology @firstnameYuguo Zheng 中国工程院院士,浙江工业大学生物工程学院院长、教授 @firstnameYanqing Lu Vice President of Nanjing University @firstnameJingjing Wang 中国工程院三局二级巡视员、科技合作处处长 @firstnameLiang Yuan Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of Anhui University of Science and Technology, Vice President of Anhui University of Science and Technology, President of Anhui Research Institute of China Engineering Science and Technology Development Strategy @firstnameQing Liu Director of Yangtze River Delta National Technology Innovation Center, President of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, President of Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Institute of Technology Innovation, Executive President of Jiangsu Research Institute of China Engineering Science and Technology Development Strategy 曾先后担任丹国麦涌现家实验室高级研究员,清华大学金属材料研究所所长,教育部先进材料重点实验室副主任,重庆大学材料学院院长,重庆大学副校长。曾担任科技部“863”计划材料领域专家和“973”计划项目首席科学家,参与创办北京英纳超号技术有限公司等多家高科技公司,牵头组建了重庆大学-parc联合创新研究院。中国冶金及材料工程领域专家。 @firstnameZhibiao Liu Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director, researcher and doctoral supervisor of Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources 全国十二届政协委员、江苏省十二届纪律检查委员会委员。兼任国家工商总局市场监督专家委员会委员、商务部GVC工作专家委员会委员。出版过40多本学术专著,发表中英文学术论文近500篇。论著曾经十多次获得省部级以上政府部门的学术奖励。同时,积极为国家经济发展建言献策,所撰写的咨询报告,获得过中央和省部领导肯定性批示20多次。 @firstnameNing Xu Vice President of Yangtze IDEI @firstnameJiandang Gu President of Phoenix Contact (China) Holding Co., Ltd. @firstnameLC Liu Chen Vice President of Yangtze IDEI @firstnameLiping Fan Founding Partner of ADDOR CAPITAL @firstnameQiang Geng Professor and Director of Population Research Institute, Nanjing University Business School @firstnameLiu Chen Vice President of Yangtze IDEI @firstnameHW Haitao Wang Managing Director of SDIC FUND MANAGEMENT @firstnameBW Bo Wu Chairman of Estun Automation Co., Ltd. @firstnameJL Jun Lu Deputy Director of Management Committee of Taixing Economic Development Zone, Joint President of Taixing Innovation Research Institute @firstname
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