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Yiran Wang Vice President and Secretary General, Chinese Society of Astronautics @firstnameJinsong Leng Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology Chinese Academy of Science,HIT Professor @firstnameGuang Meng Chair Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Chair Professor, Vice Chairman of University Counail, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Corresponding Member of International Academy of Astronautics @firstnameLijie Guo Chief Technology Expert at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Researcher at Shanghai Aerospace Equipments Manufacturer Co., Ltd., Chief Technology Expert and Academic Technology Leader of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. @firstnameNeshchimenko Vitaly Professor at Amur State University, Russia ASU professor, Doctoral supervisor @firstnameQikui Ran Chief engineer at China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Chief engineer of informatization of science and Technology Commission of the Tenth Research Institute, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation @firstnameJun Wang Professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics NUAA Professor, School of mechanical and electrical engineering @firstnameLin Sun Advanced Manufacturing Director of Aerospace new Long March Avenue Technology Co., Ltd Advanced Manufacturing Director, Aerospace new Long March Avenue Technology Co., Ltd @firstname
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